User’s agreement
1. The terms, used in the present Agreement.
2. The terms of the accession to the present Agreement.
3. The subject of the Agreement.
4. The operative ranges of and its additional chargeable site functions.
5. The rules of use.
6. The rights and obligations of the Administration.
7. The rules of the use of the Personal page on the site.
8. The Weblogs’ usage rules.
9. The usage rules of the section Datings.
10. The usage rules of the section Dead people.
11. The usage rules of the section Missing people.
12. The usage rules of the section Music (of the streaming service
13 The usage rules of the section Video.
15 The usage rules of the section Companies.
16 The usage rules of the section Job.
17 The usage rules of the section Purchase and Sale.
18 The usage rules of the section Help
19 The additional chargeable site functions.
20 The security policy.
21 Users’ tax liabilities.
22 Final provisions.
1. The terms, used in the present Agreement.
1.1. Weblogs and social networking service – is the definite results of intellectual activity that are gathered together and that are available for the User on the Site:
1) The functioning of the computer program, operated by the Site owner, together with graphic representationsthat are the part of it and also the user’s interface that brings about the opportunity for the Users uponcondition of the available Internet access to create own Personal pages and to look at the Personal pages ofother users, to correspondent with other users, to keep weblogs, to create companies, to sell personal goods, topost, copy and download photos and other information to their personal computer, cell phone or touch pad andfinally to use other options that are specified on the Site;
2) The databases that are made as the collection of different information and content, posted by the Site ownerand its users, for example, during the creation and filling of the Profile and by other means using the Personalpage that is processed by site administrators;
1.2. The Site – is the Internet page, that is located at, that gives the opportunity to use, to all those who wish, the Weblogs and social networking service and itssections. The information, necessary for the users, is posted on the Site by the Administrator.
1.3. The Site owner – is a private entrepreneur that gives the site’s usage right under theterms and conditions of the nonexclusive user’s license. According to the present Agreement the Site owner givesa right to use the site and the access to it and its Additional chargeable site functions. The Site owner is theParty of the present Agreement.
1.4. The Site administration deals with users’ notifications, spreads necessary informationamong the users, manages the site and deals with its maintenance and administering.
1.5. The User – is a physical person or a legal entity, capable to enter into the presentAgreement, is the site’s participant and has a right to use the site as a result of the conclusion of thepresent Agreement and within it.
1.6. The Personal page – is one of the weblogs and social networking service’s (site’s) sections, where you can find the information, posted by a user (for example, user’s photos, videos, information about friends, status, weblogs, etc.) that is browseable for other users. The site’s user can use the Personalpage to find and add other users to friends, to maintain private correspondence, to keep weblogs or pages ofdead people or Missing people or animals, to create the page of his company, to find a job, to sell goods or toprovide services and also to do other activities.
1.7. The User’s account (Account) – is the login user’s account that is created automatically,when the user registers at the site, and is designed to identify (authorize) every user because of the uniquelogin and password. Users choose the login and password to access the Account access themselves and can changethem according to the Site’s section “Help”.
1.8. Private massages – are electronic messages, with the help of which users exchange with eachother on their Personal pages and which are not available for persons, who do not take part in thecorrespondence.
1.9. The Content – is drawings, photos, graphic representations, design elements, video scripts,texts, etc. that can represent or not represent the results of the intellectual activity, and the rights forwhich belong to the Site owner, Users and other persons.
1.10. Additional chargeable site functions – are additional functional (program) opportunitiesof the site (the installation of different images on the personal page (country flags, zodiacal signs), thesending of graphic representations (“presents”) to other Users, the ad view and other functions (see the section“Additional chargeable site functions”), for the usage of which the User hasto pay a fee, the amount and payment terms of which is defined by the present Agreement and corresponding Sitesections.
1.11. Par money – is a universal standard unit for the payment of the chargeable options on thesite , for example,the purchase of presents, the payment of ads, the raising of ratings and other chargeable functions (see thesections “Additional chargeable site functions”).
1.12. The User’s agreement – is the text of the present Agreement between the Owner and the User, which includes all necessary and essential terms of the User’s agreement ofgranting of site’s usage rights, including the usage of Additional chargeable site functions as a program forthe computer. An integral part of the present Agreement is also the rules of User’s conduct or the rules of theperformance of certain actions by the User and also the terms of the payment of specific elements of Additionalchargeable site functions, posted by the Owner in the Site’s sections or on the elements of Weblogs and socialnetworking service.
2. The terms of the accession to the present Agreement.
Before the User proceeds with the Site usage, the User is obliged to study the present Agreement and the site rules that you can easily find in the Internet at the address:
As soon as the User fills in all necessary fields and studies the Agreement, the User accepts the presentAgreement, putting the tick in the field – I agree with the Present User’s Agreement and presses the button“Registeration”. From this moment the User has to fulfill the conditions of the Agreement and site rules.
The actual site’s use without Account’s registration, for example, the view of Personal pages of other users and of other information on the site is also the acceptance of the present Agreement.
3. Subject of the Agreement.
1. The Site owner under the terms and conditions of the simple non-exclusive Agreement and upon condition of the User’s fulfillment of its terms and rules grants the right to the Users to use the site: its software and database, as well as the access to the site’s principal functions within the limits, defined by the present Agreement.
2. The right for the site’s usage is free for the Users, apart from its Additional (chargeable) functions.
3. The User can use the chargeable site functions as soon as he credits “The universal standard units of rights” to the User’s Account (par money). The further use of the standard units of rights (parmoney) by the User is performed solely and exclusively within the site, creating no responsibility for the Owner for his use/non-use by the User. And any User’s requirements, arising under it, can not be a judicial matter.
4. The User is not obliged to acquire rights for the use of the Additional chargeable site functions and their payment is not a necessary condition for the possibility to use the site or the possibility of the rights’ procurement to use the site in general. The rights for the use of the Additional chargeable site functions are granted upon the request and the wish of the User.
4. The limits of site’s and its Additional functions’ use
4.1. The User has a right to use the site and its Additional chargeable functions as follows:
4.1.1. To use the Additional chargeable site functions upon the conditions of the payment of the appropriate right for its use according to the present Agreement;
4.1.2. To use the principal site functions by the means of the embedded software and also to take part in site’s generation, creating Accounts and Personal pages, to change the site’s content during such use through the layout and processing of the information and Content and during the intercommunication with other users, following the regulations, stipulated by the present Agreement;
4.1.3. To reproduce the site elements, including the Additional chargeable functions in the view of the information and Content, posted in it for the personal use by the means of the copying to the memory of personal computer and/or mobile device (downloading). Furthermore, if the Content’s elements represent the copyright items or private images (photographs) of other users or third persons, the User has to receive the additional consent of those persons to reproduce that Content or images;
4.2. The User has no right to
4.2.1. Copy the elements of the design or user’s interface of the site during the setting up of other sites and also during the performance of any commercial activity in the Internet or out of it;
4.2.2. Spread visual images and inventory data of users out of the site for commercial or non-commercial purposes without the consent of these users;
4.2.3. Reproduce, spread, copy and process the site elements for commercial or non-commercial purposes that represent the copyright items of the Site owner, of other users or third persons without allowance of the relevant copyright holders to perform these activities;
4.2.4. Violate the site usage rules, stated in the present Agreement;
4.2.5. The violation of site’s regulations, listed above (paragraph 4.2.) is subjected to persecution of the international law and the law of other countries.
5. The regulations of the site’s usage.
5.1. Children under the age of 13 are not allowed to be registered on the site. Teenagers from 13 to 18 are allowed to take part only in “communication sections”.
5.2. For the full site’s usage the user has to create an Account. During the Account’s registration the user specifies the updated and real information, including the surname, the name, the sex, the date of birth (after the registration it can not be changed) and other information. To enter the site the user has to choose a login and a password that are the confidential and privileged, except as required by the applicable law and/or the present Agreement. The user bears the risk of the possibility of fraud and of the performance of other illegal acts with the user’s Account as a result of the password’s loss. We recommend choosing a difficult password in order to avoid the possibility of its attack by third persons;
5.3. After the Account’s registration the User has a right to fill the Account, the Personal page and other site elements with the Content, to add photographs and other materials according to the provided functions, to join other sections and to use other functions, provided by the Owner for the time of the site’s usage, considering restrictions of the present Agreement.
5.4. Accepting the present Agreement and posting the data to the Account, the user gives his consent to the processing of personal account data by the Administration and to the display of the account data on the user’s Personal page. In this connection the account data, displayed on the Personal page, will be publicly-accessible. The User’s account data processing is performed during the whole period from the moment of the User’s Account registration and till its deleting. The User gives his consent to the fact that the site’s Administration has a right during the account data processing to perform the following activities with them: to gather, to organize, to accumulate, to keep, to delete and to perform other necessary activities for the purpose of the fulfillment of the present Agreement’s terms site functions. The account data is not communicated to third persons.
5.5. The user’s account data, specified by him during the registration, namely the surname, the name, the date of birth, the place of residence, of education and of work and other information, reflected in the Account and on the Personal page (hereafter referred to as “account data”) is processed by the Site Administration for the purpose of proper performance of the present Agreement and the improvement of the site functions.
5.6. The user understands and agrees that the information that is posted in the User’s Account and the account data are in the public domain for the acquaintance with them by other Users through the User’s Personal page.
5.7. The entering of the site by the User, who registered his Account earlier is performed every time by the undergoing of the authorization procedure – entering of the User’s login and password, following the hyperlink that was received through the e-mail as a result of the automatic authorization through other social network services or using cookies technology.
5.8. If the User uses the site, he can use cookies technology for the purpose of the automatic User’s authorization on the site and also for the collection of the statistic data, in particular about the site traffic.
5.9. The person, who was authorized on the site, is considered as a proper User’s Account’s owner, the access to use and management of which was received as a result of such authorization.
5.10. The user has a right to limit or inhibit the use of cookies technology, using the appropriate settings of the browser.
5.11. In case of the authorization performance impossibility because of the password’s loss, the Account lock-out or other reasons, the User has a right to enquire with the Administration support team or to follow the instructions that can be found in the section “Help” and in other sections of the Site. The methods of the reestablishment of the access to the Account and of the User’s authorization can be changed, canceled or supplemented by the Administration on a unilateral basis.
5.12. The Site owner makes the commercial-based efforts to maintain the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, however, can not ensure the nonexistence of interruptions, connected with technical malfunctions and the realization of preventive maintenance. The site owner does not ensure that the site or any of its elements will be in operation at any specific time in future or that they will not stop working.
5.13. The site, including all scripts, the Content and the Site art style, is presented “as is”. The Site owner does not ensure that the site or its elements will be suitable for any specific purposes of use. The Site owner can not ensure and does not promise any specific results from the use of the site or its elements. The Site owner does not ensure the reliability of the Content, posted to the site and its compliance with User’s personal ideas of morality.
5.14. Using the site, the User is obliged to observe precautions concerning the Content, especially when it comes to the Content that was posted by other Users, to other materials or information; when following the hyperlinks, posted on the Site; when using any files, including the software, for the purpose of the avoiding of the negative malware’s impact on the User’s computer, of the unfair access to the Account, of password’s guessing and other consequences that are negative for the User.
5.15. When the User posts the Content on the site, he gives the right to the Site owner to use the Content exceptionally for the purposes of site’s functioning, using the methods, necessary for this.
5.16. The User has no right to download or otherwise make publicly available (post to the Site) the Content and other results of intellectual activity of users, the Site owner and other copyright holders without the explicitly expressed consent of the copyright holder and/or necessary scope of rights for such actions.
6. The rights and obligations of the Administration
6.1. The Administration manages the site, looks for its structure, public facade, gives and limits the access of the Users to the site in case of the violation of the present Agreement provisions, exercises other rights that belong to it. The User agrees that the Administration has a right to use the functional and technical opportunities of the program means that ensure the reflection of the Content within the Site in its absolutediscretion, which includes the purposes of the ad’s reflection.
6.2. The Administration independently settles the questions about the placement of ad on the Site.
6.3. The Administration has a right:
6.3.1. To change the Site’s design and user’s interface, its content, the content of the provided Site functions, including the Additional chargeable site functions, to change or to add the usable scripts, software and Content on the site and other objects that are used or kept on the Site, any server applications with User’s notification or without it at any time;
6.3.2. To delete any information (comments to user’s photos, weblogs, companies, other information and other materials), including the information that was posted by the User to the site in breach of the international law and the law of other countries or in case of the violation of the present Agreement’s provision at own discretion;
6.3.3. To delete any Content without any reasons and without any notifications, including the Content that at the discretion of the Administration can violate the international law and the law of other countries, the provisions of the present Agreement and the right of other Users or third persons, can do harm or endanger their safety;
6.3.4. To block the access to the User’s Account at own discretion, including the cases, when the user has performed the acts that violate the international law and the law of other countries or the provisions of the present Agreement;
6.3.5. To limit, to hold or terminate the User’s access to all or to any of the sections of the Site and/or of the site elements, to the site functions, including the Additional chargeable functions at any time and without any reasons with the preliminary notice or without such for the violation of the international law and the law of other countries or the provisions of the present Agreement;
6.3.6. The Administration has a right to grant to the User the right of usage of the Additional chargeable site functions under the terms and conditions, stipulated by the present Agreement and the appropriate sections of the Site and/or its other element for the definite fee;
6.3.7. To send messages to the Users’ addresses (including the messages per e-mail) for the purpose of the notification of the enforcement of new or the cancellation of old site functions, of new Private messages, comments to photographs on the User’s Personal page, etc, including the Additional chargeable function.
The sending of messages to Users that contain the advertizing of goods or services of third persons is not performed;
6.3.8. To publish and save the information about the IP-addresses of the User’s access to the site, to use the files that contain the technical information (cookies), that are posted to User’s personal computer for the purpose of the statistic data collection and User’s identification;
6.3.9. To give redirection to Users during their site usage, to warn, to notify, to inform them about the non-observance of the present Agreement. The directions of the Administration, given to the User during the process of the site usage shall be subject to compulsory implementation;
6.3.10. The Site owner has a right to assume measures that are not prohibited by the law to protect the personal intellectual right in respect to the site;
6.4. The Site owner assumes the obligations under the terms and conditions, set out in the present Agreement, to provide the opportunity of site usage, it means of its software and/or database as well as its Additional chargeable functions;
6.5. The Administration is obliged to notify the User about the changes in the terms of the present Agreement, publishing the appropriate information on the Site in the section “News” or sending the messages on the site.
7. The requirements of the usage of the Personal page on the site.
7.1. Rights and obligations of the User
7.1.1. The User has a right:
1. To place the information about himself in the User’s Account, to add photos, video, statuses, to evaluate and to comment photos, videos and statuses of other users;
2. To configurate his Account and Personal page, to change his login and password for the access to the site;
3. To send and to receive private messages;
4. To search for other Users, as well as for the information, known by the User and for the appropriate information that is placed by the User, who searches, on his Persona page;
5. To acquire the rights of usage of the Additional chargeable site functions and to exercise these rights according to the present Agreement;
6. The User has also a right to delete the presents, records on the wall or comments at his own discretion.
7.1.2. The User is obliged:
1. To observe the terms of the present Agreement without any restrictions;
2. To specify only reliable personal information in his account;
3. Not to violate otherwise the intellectual property rights of the Site owner in relation to the site or any of its elements, namely, the user has no right to copy, transmit, send, publish, or otherwise distribute or reproduce the materials (text, graphic, audio, video) that are placed by the Administration on the Site without the written consent of the Administration or the Site owner;
4. To independently assume appropriate measure that are intended to ensure the safety of his Account and Personal pages and that prevent the unauthorized access by third persons to them (in particular, to ensure that the password is not saved in the browser, including the use of cookies technologies, when there is a possibility of the use of the User’s computer by third persons);
5. Not to place photos that besides Users contain other persons without their advance consent, except when such consent is not required;
6. To notify the Administration about all occasions of performance of any acts on the site, in relation to the User that can be considered as abusive, derogatory, defamatory, etc .;
7. To follow the instructions of the Administration (in particular those, which have been given by the Administration to the User or to the group of the site Users in the members support center, in the news section of the site). If the user does not comply with such instructions, the Administration has a right to hold, limit and terminate the provision of the User with the rights to use the site or its separate functions, including the Additional chargeable site functions.
8. To familiarize with the content of the present Agreement from time to time in the Internet at the address and to keep track of the changes made to it.
9. To confirm the account data: surname, name, patronymic, other data on demand of the Administration in relation to the conclusion and performance of the present Agreement;
7.1.3. The Users are not allowed:
1. To use the Personal page if the User is under 13. The persons, who are 13-18 years old are allowed to take part only in “communication sections”
2. To specify the incorrect personal information in his account;
3. To specify the incorrect date of birth;
4. To specify knowingly false or feigned information about himself, namely the wrong or feigned name and surname during the Account registration or later on;
5. To start the communication with the obscene messages: offers for intimate relationships, massage, virtual sex, relationship for 1 or 2 times, relationship with couples, texts of the emphasized erotic content (with reference to sexual intercourse, genital obscene scenes, etc.) corruption of minors;
6. To send the fraudulent messages (requests for money transfer, the proposal to send SMS, etc.)
7. To send spam - mass distribution of commercial, political, advertising and other information (including hyperlinks that lead to websites with such information and / or to websites that contain malicious software) in comments, Private messages, blogs of Users’ Personal pages, posts on the wall, etc., if Users-recipients did not express their consent to receive such information;
8. To use software programs that perform automated actions on the registration of accounts, sending messages and comments, generating of views, likes and other similar operations that disrupt the site’s operation or mislead the users;
9. To use any automatic or automated means to collect information that is hosted on the site;
10. Engage in propaganda or agitation that may raise social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity; propaganda of war, of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic supremacy;
11. Post, reproduce, process, spread, publish on his page, communicate to the public, transfer, sell or otherwise use in whole or in part the Content of the Owner, of the Administration, of Users and third persons, who are the subject of copyright and other exclusive rights, without their prior consent, except as provided in this Agreement, the applicable international law or the law of other countries, as well as the cases, the copyright holder expressly consents to freely usage of his own content by any person. Downloading videos, or other content to your page, as well as placing the content on the site otherwise, the User confirms that he has all the necessary rights for this, including the right for the communication to the public that such arrangement does not violate and will not violate the rights and legitimate interests of the holders and third persons and that has obtained all necessary permits and consents of the respective copyright holders and third persons duly and explicitly. The User is not allowed to post Content to the site, if the User does not have the required permissions for this and / or the consent of the copyright holder;
12. To post to the site, or send through Private messages the restricted information (confidential information) of third persons if the User does not have the sufficient rights under the law or the contract for the disclosure of such information;
13. To post to the personal page in the public domain (in status, blogs and / or comments) or to send through private messages text messages, images or other offensive content, which are such for other users or other persons, or may be regarded as thereof, as well as messages, images and other materials, which discredit the Users or other persons, including calls to violence, threats or incitement to commit illegal acts, antisocial, immoral actions and commit any other actions that contradict the principles of public order and morality;
14. To post to the personal page the messages, images or other materials (including those that are contrary to fact) that cause or may cause damage to the honor, dignity and business reputation of the citizen or business reputation of the organization;
15. To post to the personal page the messages containing obscene words and expressions;
16. To post to the personal page pornographic or hypertext links to websites containing such materials;
17. To post to the personal page the account data, including the contact data of other Users or other persons without their prior consent;
18. To use the personal page for any commercial purposes without the prior permission of the Administration, except as provided in the present Agreement;
19. To post to the personal page in the public domain without the prior consent of the Administration or the Site owner, to send text messages, graphics and other promotional materials through private messages without the prior consent;
20. To carry out the unauthorized access to the Accounts of other Users by guessing or entering the password as well as to attempt such access;
21. These rules apply to all segments of the personal profile, which includes personal statuses, mass messages, private messaging, free account fields, comments, etc.
The User has a right to lodge complaints about the actions of other users if they violate one of the above mentioned rules. The User is responsible for illegal and unfounded complaints against other users. The personal enmity to a user, to his way of life or the point of view, expressed by him, is not the ground for the complaint.
We kindly request not to post information to blogs, status, on the wall that you are leaving somewhere or that you are not at home, as this information can be used for personal purposes by intruders.
The administration kindly requests not to post information about your bank cards, photos, personal documents, your other private information, including your exact location to avoid the use of this information by hackers for personal purposes.
If the personal page is used for the organization of various events, the User is solely responsible for the costs and damages caused by other people, as he is the initiator of these activities.
7.1.4. Rights and obligations of the Administration
1. The Site Administration uses the information about User’s actions with the sole purpose of the Site’s improvement.
2. The Site Administration has a right but is not obliged to perform moderation of the Content that is posted to the Site;
3. The Administration reserves the right to delete comments and messages and also to block the infringers’ accounts without prior notice.
4. The Administration reserves the right to dismiss the complaint if the complaint is formulated vaguely and the complaint’s text does not contain the necessary information to assess the situation. The Administration reserves the right to reject the complaint if it contains obscene language and insults. Administration reserves the right not to comply with the complaint in the case of their disagreement with the opinion of the user.
5. The Site Administration has a right to delete any Content, namely the User’s text, photo or comments without prior notice and reasons explanation.
6. The Site Administration and the Site owner do not exercise control of the compliance with copyright and intellectual property rights and shall not be liable for their infringement by the Site Users.
7. The Site Administration is not involved in the consideration and resolution of disputes and conflicts that may arise between Users, but it reserves the right to block the User’s page in the case of justified complaints from other Users against the incorrect behavior of this User.
8. If the User violates the terms and conditions of the present Agreement or of the Requirements the Site Administration has a right to block the Account of such user.
9. The Site Administration and the Site owner do not bear any responsibility for the losses and costs for the organization of various activities by users, who use their personal page on
8.The usage rules of the section “Weblogs”
8.1. Users’ rights and obligations in the section “Weblogs”
1. The User has a right to post to the section “Weblogs” only the Content that complies with the terms and conditions of the Present Agreement and of the Requirements.
2. The User is not allowed to post the material that does not correspond to the chosen category of the section “Weblogs”.
3. The User is obliged not to post to the section “Weblogs” the provocative, rude, abusive, aggressive and sexual Content; content which contains materials of minors’ corruption; content that is contrary to the moral and ethical standards, violates the international law, the rights, including the intellectual rights of third persons.
4. It is forbidden to place phone numbers and addresses of resources in the Internet on the place of a topic preview. Photos in Topics and previews must not contain advertising messages, advertisement of products, goods, services and / or alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, drugs, materials of erotic or pornographic content, as well as contact information and links to websites.
5. The whole Content that is posted to the section “Weblogs” in records or comments is copyright/ All the materials that have been borrowed from other sources should have an indication of the name of the author if it appears on the source site, and when it is not possible to establish it - copyright symbol (c). The hyperlinks to the materials that were placed before in the Internet are welcomed, but if the author declares about their necessity, they are obligatory. The User is obliged not to mother on foreign texts or images. The User ensures the legality of Content posting.
6. The User is responsible for all costs (including the compensation for damages, harm, penalties, legal and other costs and expenses) in the event if the third persons make some claims, including, but not limited to claims relating to the protection of intellectual property rights of the third persons, and for any obligations arising by the Site in connection with the requirements of third persons that are or have arisen due to violation of the terms and conditions of the present Agreement the section “Weblogs”.
7. The User has a right to propose the name of a category in the section “Weblogs”, if there if no such category. He can use such right, using the section “Technical support”, the topic “Weblogs”,
8. The User bears responsibility for the violation of the present Agreement according to the international law.
8.2. Rights and obligations of the Site Administration
1. The Site Administration uses the information about User’s actions with the sole purpose of the Site’s improvement.
2. The Site Administration has a right but is not obliged to perform moderation of the Content that is posted to the Site;
3. The Site Administration has a right to delete any Content, namely the User’s text, photo or comments without prior notice and reasons explanation.
4. The Site Administration and the Site owner do not exercise control of the compliance with copyrights for the intellectual property and shall not be liable for their infringement by the Site Users.
5. The Site Administration does not provide any expressed or implied guarantees, concerning the content, posted to the Site in the section “Weblogs”.
6. If the User violates the terms and conditions of the Present Agreement or of the Requirements, the Site Administration has a right to limit the access to the section “Weblogs” or to block his Account.
7. The Site Administration is not involved in the consideration and resolution of disputes and conflicts that may arise between Users in the section “Weblogs”, but it reserves the right to block the User’s page in the case of justified complaints from other Users against the incorrect behavior of this User in this section.
9. The usage rules of the section “Datings”
9.1. General provisions
1. The User, who enters the section “Datings”, should be of the full legal age (18 years old). The User has to specify exceptionally reliable information about the age in the main site account. Any specification of unreliable age of the User necessitates the responsibility. The Site Administration and the Site owner do not bear responsibility for false data of the User that were specified
2. When the User enters this section, the User agrees that the data, specified by him in main site account will be represented in the search in the section “Datings”. At any moment the User can elect not to participate in the section “Datings”.
9.2. The Users of the section “Datings” are not allowed:
1. To specify the unreal age in personal data of their Account.
2. To specify the incorrect location (place of residence) in personal data of their Account.
3. To engage in propaganda of violence, pornography, nazism, religious and any other intolerance and also of illegal actions.
4. To start the communication with the obscene messages: offers for intimate relationships, massage, virtual sex, relationship for 1 or 2 times, relationship with a couples, texts of the emphasized erotic content (with reference to sexual intercourse, genital obscene scenes, etc.) corruption of minors;
5. To send messages that contain intimidation and insults.
6. To send advertizing texts and links or to post them to their personal page.
7. To send suggestions of intimate services for the money.
8. To send the fraudulent messages (requests for money transfer, the proposal to send SMS, etc.).
9. To post photos, personal or contact data that belong to another person, if he has not given the consent to use them.
10. To offer own services of commercial character (e.g., massage, manicure, repair etc.).
11. To use software programs that perform automated actions on the registration of accounts, sending messages and comments, generating of views, likes and other similar operations that disrupt the site’s operation or mislead the users;
9.3 Rights and obligations of the Site Administration
1. The Administration reserves the right to delete comments and messages and also to block the infringers’ accounts without prior notice.
2. The User has a right to file the complaints about the actions of other users is they violate one of the above mentioned rules.
3. The Administration reserves the right to dismiss the complaint if the complaint is formulated vaguely and the complaint’s text does not contain the necessary information to assess the situation. The Administration reserves the right to reject the complaint if it contains obscene language and insults. Administration reserves the right not to comply with the complaint in the case of their disagreement with the opinion of the user.
4. If the user does not follow the rules and there are some complaints from other users, his access to the Account in the section “Acquaintance” or to the site will be termless blocked.
5. The personal enmity towards the User, his way of life or point of view are not the ground for the complaint.
6. When the User starts to communicate on the site, he confirms his consent with these rules.
7. The Site Administration is not involved in the consideration and resolution of disputes and conflicts that may arise between Users, but it reserves the right to block the User’s page in the case of justified complaints from other Users against the incorrect behavior of this User in this section.
10. The usage rules of the section “Forever in our hearts”
10.1. General provisions
1. When creating the accounts of dead people, animals or disasters, the User is obliged to specify in their account only true information. The Site Administration and the Site owner do not bear responsibility for inveracious data that were specified in their accounts in the section “Forever in our hearts”. The User can at any time delete the accounts, created by him from this section.
2. If you created the page of an accident in the section “Forever in our hearts”, and friends, relatives of deceased people contacted with you and asked you to add the name, last name, photo of the person who deceased in this tragedy, then you have possibility to add this data.
3. When you write the name of an accident we urgently ask to check if this accident has already been added to our database or not. If the page of this or that accident has already been created, you can look through it and write to the author of the accident with the proposal to add your deceased friends or relative to the list and to post their photos.
4. The creator of the account in the section “Forever in our hearts” has a right to delete “the commemoration sign” (the present) or the post on the wall or the comment if it does not correspondent to the theme of this section.
5. Google maps are used in the Section “Forever in our hearts” According to the license ( and the layer of maps Openstreet – according to the license ( for geolocation.
10.2. Rights and obligations of the User in the section “Forever in our hearts”. The User is not allowed:
1. To specify the false data during the creation of the accounts of dead people, animals or accidents.
2. To post materials that do not correspondent to the theme of this section.
3. To post photos or videos to the accounts and other materials that are of advertising or pornographic character, that can be considered as materials posted for the purpose of corruption of minors, materials that propagandize cruelty or other amoral behavior; materials that offend human dignity.
4. To create the accounts of alive or unreal people, animals or accidents in the section “Forever in our hearts”.
5. To use the accounts in these sections for advertising or propagandist purposes, offering own services of commercial character.
6. To create accounts of the world-known persons (killers, rapists, World dictators that are responsible for elimination of people).
7. To post to the wall, to photos or videos comments and to the profiles in the section “Forever in our hearts” any insults, slander, vulgar slang, materials of pornographic or another amoral character; materials that demonstrate or propagandize cruelty, violence, terror, national hostility; materials that offend human dignity; advertizing materials, and also other materials that go beyond the law and beyond the provisions of this user’s agreement.
The User has a right to file complaints about the actions of other users in this section, if they violate one of the abovementioned rules. The User bears responsibility for illegal and groundless complaints about users. The personal enmity towards the User, his way of life or point of view are not the ground for the complaint.
10.3. Rights and obligations of the Site Administration
1. The site Administration has a right to edit and delete the materials that were posted by the User in the section “Forever in our hearts” if they do not correspondent to the terms and conditions of the present Agreement, do harm to the site or to third persons.
2. If the user does not follow the rules and there are some complaints from other users, his access to the Account in the section “Forever in our hearts” or to the site will be termless blocked.
3. The User has a right to file the complaints about the actions of other users is they violate one of the above mentioned rules.
4. The Administration reserves the right to dismiss the complaint if the complaint is formulated vaguely and the complaint’s text does not contain the necessary information to assess the situation. The Administration reserves the right to reject the complaint if it contains obscene language and insults. Administration reserves the right not to comply with the complaint in the case of their disagreement with the opinion of the user.
5. The Administration reserves the right to delete comments and messages and also to block the infringers’ accounts without prior notice.
6. The Site Administration and the Site owner do not bear any responsibility for the false date that are specified by users in the accounts in the section “Forever in our hearts”.
7. The Site Administration is not involved in the consideration and resolution of disputes and conflicts that may arise between Users in the section “Forever in our hearts”, but it reserves the right to block the User’s page in the case of justified complaints from other Users against the incorrect behavior of this User in this section.
11. The usage rules of the section “Missing people and animals”.
11.1. General provisions.
When creating the accounts of missing people or animals, or found people or animals the User is obliged to specify in their accounts only true information. The Site Administration and the Site owner do not bear responsibility for inveracious data that were specified in the accounts in the section “Missing people and animals”. The User can at any time delete the accounts, created by him from this section. Automatically, the account of Missing or Found people should be created for a term of one year, the account of lost or found animals – for a term of 6 months. At the end of this term the account is not valid any more. The User has a right to extend the account at any time or to change its period of validity. We earnestly ask you to delete the created accounts if you have found the Missing people or animals not to litter the search wall. The User has a right to delete the accounts that were created by him in this section at any time.
Google maps are used in the Section “Missing people and animals” According to the license ( and the layer of maps Openstreet – according to the license ( for geolocation
11.2. Rights and obligations of the User in the section “Missing people and animals”
11.2.1. The User is not allowed
1. To specify unreal data during the filling of the account of Missing people and animals.
2. To post materials, which have no relation to the theme of this section.
3. To create in this section the accounts of people and animals that are not missing or were found in reality or the accounts of unreal people or animals.
4. To post photos or videos to the accounts and other materials, that are of advertising or pornographic character, that can be considered as materials posted for the purpose of corruption of minors, materials that propagandize cruelty or other amoral behavior; materials that offend human dignity.
5. To create accounts of the world-known persons (killers, rapists, World dictators that are responsible for elimination of people).
6. To use the accounts in these sections for advertising or propagandist purposes, offering own services of commercial character.
7. To post to the wall, to photos or videos comments and to the profiles in the section “Missing people or animals” any insults, slander, vulgar slang, materials of pornographic or another amoral character; materials that demonstrate or propagandize cruelty, violence, terror, national hostility; materials that offend human dignity; advertizing materials, and also other materials that go beyond the law and beyond the provisions of this user’s agreement.
The User has a right to file complaints about the actions of other users in this section, if they violate one of the abovementioned rules. The User bears responsibility for illegal and groundless complaints about users. The personal enmity towards the User, his way of life or point of view are not the ground for the complaint.
11.3 Rights and obligations of the Site Administration
1. The site Administration has a right to edit and delete the materials that were posted by the User in the section “Missing people or animals” if they do not correspondent to the terms and conditions of the present Agreement, do harm to the site or to third persons.
2. The Administration has a right to delete comments and messages and also to block the infringers’ accounts without prior notice.
3. If the user does not follow the rules and there are some complaints from other users, his access to the Account in the section “Missing people or animals” or to the site will be termless blocked.
4. The User has a right to file the complaints about the actions of other users is they violate one of the above mentioned rules.
5. The Administration has a right to dismiss the complaint if the complaint is formulated vaguely and the complaint’s text does not contain the necessary information to assess the situation. The Administration has a right to reject the complaint if it contains obscene language and insults. Administration reserves the right not to comply with the complaint in the case of their disagreement with the opinion of the user.
6. The Site Administration and the Site owner do not bear any responsibility for false date that are specified by users in the accounts in the section “Missing people or animals”.
7. The Site Administration is not involved in the consideration and resolution of disputes and conflicts that may arise between Users in the section “Missing people or animals” but it reserves the right to block the User’s page in the case of justified complaints from other Users against the incorrect behavior of this User in this section.
12. The usage rules of the section Music (of the streaming service
The section Music is situated on the separate subdomain
The registration and logging in on is made by creating a user’s profile, which is independent from the profile of the website
The streaming service operates without violating the copyright for the content (music) according to licenses:
The streaming service offers a User a possibility for a free search and listening of musical compositions (phonograms), watching videos, texts of compositions, rating of compositions with the help of your personal computer, tablet, mobile device and others.
A User has a right to:
1. Perform the search of musical compositions, listen to them, listen to the radio.
2. Add compositions to the playlist
3. Watch videos, which are attached to musical compositions, texts of musical compositions.
4. Share compositions, texts of compositions between Users of the website by personal messages
5. Share links for compositions, albums of performers in social networks.
6. Brose events, connected to performers.
Musical compositions, as well as other materials, which are placed on the website of the Service are objects of intellectual property of their copyright holders and are protected by the law.
All musical compositions, other materials and the Player are meant only for personal noncommercial use to the extent of technical abilities, which are provided by the Service. Any copying, reproduction, processing, distribution, use of software to download music, sharing to the public or other use of Materials, Player or database outside of the opportunities provided by the Service and any use of it for commercial purposes is prohibited.
Administration of and the owner of the website reserves the right at its sole discretion to limit access to the streaming service (or certain features of the Service) with the usage of its account, or completely block the User's account in case of repeated violation of these Terms and Conditions, or apply to such User other measures to comply with the requirements of the law or the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.
13. The usage rules of the section “Video”
13.1.1 General provisions
This section gives the opportunity to the Users to post their videos from popular video servers - , , When the video is published in the section “Video” for public access and search, it is automatically posted to your personal page. Also it is possible to post a video in the accounts of people and animals in the section “Forever in our hearts”.
13.2 Right and obligations of the User in the section “Videos”
1. The User has a right to post to the section “Videos” only the Content that complies with the terms and conditions of the Present Agreement and of the Requirements.
2. The User is obliged to post to the section “Weblogs” the provocative, rude, abusive, aggressive and sexual Content; content which contains materials of minors’ corruption; content that is contrary to the moral and ethical standards, violates the international law, the rights, including the intellectual rights of third persons.
3. The User is obliged not to post to the section “Videos” the unlicensed Content that violates the copyrights for the intellectual property (the pirate content).
4. The User is obliged not to post to the section “Videos” the Content that contains slander, vulgar slang, materials of pornographic or another amoral character; materials that demonstrate or propagandize cruelty, violence, terror, national hostility; materials that offend human dignity; advertizing materials, and also other materials that go beyond the law and beyond the provisions of this user’s agreement.
5. The User bears responsibility for the violation of the present Agreement according to the international law.
13.3 Rights and obligations of the Site Administration
1. The Site Administration has a right but is not obliged to perform moderation of the Content that is posted to the section “Videos”.
2. The Site Administration has a right to delete any Content, including the User’s comments, photo or comments without prior notice and reasons explanation, because of the violation of the terms and conditions of the user’s agreement.
3. The Site Administration and the Site owner do not exercise control and do not bear responsibility for the compliance with copyrights for intellectual property and shall not be liable for their infringement by the Site Users.
4. If the User violates the terms and conditions of the Present Agreement or of the Requirements, the Site Administration has a right to limit the access to the section “Videos” or to block his Account.
5. The Site Administration is not involved in the consideration and resolution of disputes and conflicts that may arise between Users in the section “Videos”, but it reserves the right to block the User’s page in the case of justified complaints from other Users against the incorrect behavior of this User in this section.
15. The usage rules of the section Companies.
15.1 Rights and duties of the user
1. The User must provide the accurate, comprehensive, and veridical information on all items, which are specified in the Form when you add company and promptly update this information.
2. The User is responsible for all data, texts, photographs, graphics and other materials, placed by him/her in the section Companies.
3. The company / organization / individual person should be published in the section, which corresponds to their activities and / or service delivery areas.
4. Contact information must be only in specially designated form fields. The contact information includes the following information: address, telephone, fax, location, email address, website address, contact person.
15.1.1 The User is forbidden to:
1. Use fictitious names of legal entities upon registration on the Website (indicate the non-existent legal entities) and the fictitious names of individuals, trademarks and names of legal entities, which are not registered in the prescribed manner, the names of individuals and trademarks, for which the User does not have rights to use.
2. Place, send, transmit and publish in any other way information and materials, which are malicious, illegal, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, information, dealing with hate speech and advocacy of discrimination, as well as materials, which violate copyrights;
3. Impersonate any person or representative of a company, community or organization, without having the rights for it, as well as confuse other users about the characteristics and properties of any objects or entities;
4. Get an unauthorized access to the user database of the section Companies, interfere in its program code, use software errors of the site.
5. Post, send, transmit and publish by all other means materials and information, which affect any patents, industrial designs and utility models, copyright, trade secret, trademark and other intellectual property rights and copyrights of third parties;
6. Not to re-allocate in the section Companies information about the same company, organization, private person.
7. Not to place the phone numbers and addresses of the resources in the Internet on the site of the company's logo. Photos and logo must not contain advertising messages, advertising of goods, products, services and / or alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, as well as contact information and links to sites (exceptions are the sections "Taxi" and "Internet shops").
8. Photographic materials of the Company must contain a photo of the interior places and other materials on the subject. It is forbidden to publish photos from photo reports of the partys. It is not allowed to publish the photos with logo of other resources and companies. Photos must not contain unpleasant or shocking images, as well as contain specific information, allowed only for persons over 16 years old.
9. Not to place the Companies, as well as events, the activities of which are contrary to international law. It is forbidden to publish companies, which sell products, advertise services, render services (like: ammunition, weapons, explosives, poisons, toxic and other hazardous substances and objects, radioactive materials, as well as narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances).
10. It is not allowed to publish the Company, as well as its news, which advertises sexual services.
11. Publish the name of the Company, which is a meaningless set of characters or a set of keywords or contain links to external websites, on condition that the name does not match the full name of the company in accordance with constituent documents.
12. Specify an address that does not match the address of the actual location of the legal entity or natural person.
13. Publish information using words in UPPERCASE letters (except abbreviations) or texts that use tracking (writing words with spaces between the letters).
14. Specify the phone number, which it is impossible to contact to, or phone numbers, without pointing out that the number is billable and with the lack of information on the cost of 1 minute of conversation.
15. Publish information on the Company with a lot of grammar, punctuation and syntax errors or transliteration.
15.1.2 List of forbidden Companies, firms and private persons:
1. The Companies, which produce and sell weapons and military equipment.
2. Companies, firms in manufacturing chemical and biological products, which are used in the military arsenal.
3. Companies, firms, which provide dubious financial services (for instance, "Credit for an hour. Without collateral or guarantors").
4. Companies, firms, which provide dubious job offers, including in the Internet, without a physical address and direct contacts of the employer (work for all, the work without investments, fraudulent manipulations, etc.).
5. The Companies, which produce and sell drugs of all categories in this direction.
6. Companies, involved in buying and selling animals, their skins, bones and parts of their bodies, as well as the plants, listed in the International Red Book.
7. Companies, producing and selling products, which are a forgery of any known brands in the world, and the production of which is punishable under international law.
8. Companies, which are engaged in advertising and the provision of sexual services.
15.2 Right and duties of the Site administration
1. The Site Administration has the right to engage in editing or deleting of the materials, published by the User in the section Companies, if they do not comply with the terms of this Agreement, are harmful to the site or third parties.
2. In case of failure to comply with the rules and complaints from users, the offending account can be blocked to access the section Companies or the website for an unlimited period of time.
3. The User has the right to complain about the actions of other members, if they violate one of the above rules.
4. The Administration reserves the right to reject a complaint, if the claim is expressed without a reasonable basis, the complaint does not contain the necessary information to assess the situation. The administration reserves the right to reject a complaint if it contains obscene language and insults. The administration has the right not to satisfy the complaint in case of disagreement with the opinion of the User.
5. The Administration has the right to delete comments and posts, as well as to block companies, individuals without notice for violating the User's agreement.
6. The administration and the Site owner are not responsible for data of companies, firms, individuals, placed in the section Companies, which has been specified and which does not correspond to reality.
7. The Site Administration does not deal with and resolve disputes and conflicts, which arise between users of the section Companies, however, it reserves the right to block the user page in case of receiving justified complaints from other Users for the misconduct of any User in this section.
16. The usage rules of the section Job
16.1 The usage rules of the section by companies, firms or private persons with the purpose of placing job offers.
A company or an individual can create a position that has an active default status for a period of 1 year. (Choice of a period of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year). Also, it may be modified; it can be removed and enabled after the expiration date.
When using the section Job, a company or an individual is obliged not to carry out the following actions:
1. Post, distribute, store, load and / or destroy the materials (information) in any way, in the section Jobs, which violate international law;
2. Place and / or transmit information, in the section Jobs in the form of a text, images, sound or code that may be illegal, threatening, abusive, libelous, knowingly false, vulgar, obscene, or may harm other visitors, to violate their rights;
3. Introdice oneself under a false name or act on behalf of others (individuals or organizations) - an employee of the employer, who is registered of the site, other users of the site. Any other way to mislead customers and the site's administration about one's identity;
4. Post deliberately misleading information about the company or job;
5. Place false information about working conditions and wages in the job.
6. Use fictitious names of legal entities (non-existent point entities) and fictitious names of individuals, registered on the Site, use trademarks and names of legal entities, non-registered in the prescribed manner, the names of individuals and trademark, which the User does not have the rights to use;
7. Destroy and modify any materials on the site, when the User is neither the author nor the owner of ones;
8. Placing job advertisements that advertise any franchise or "pyramid" scheme, offer "join the club", to become a distributor, sales representative, "manager" or any other employee of the company, whose business model is based on the preceding and the periodic transfer of funds from the subordinate employees higher, making labor possible only in a percentage of sales and / or in the need to attract or hire other agents, "managers" distributors "members" and the like;
9. Print out or otherwise copy and use personal information of candidates for a particular job, without having a purpose to consider or evaluate their candidates for employment in the User organization, or an organization that is a client of the User, if the latter carries out mediation activities in the field of employment;
10. Use the information concerning the phones, postal addresses, e-mails, as well as proprietary information, which is placed in the summary of applicants, not for the purposes of section topics (issues of selection of candidates, the positions and proposals of candidates, recruitment, etc.) ;
11. Propose candidates, whose personal data are available on the, to post their CVs with personal data on the site or sites that are engaged in the provision of services of the similar sections of the site
12. Place candidates' CVs, which were found at, on a site or sites that are engaged in the provision of services of similar section of the website
13. Publish positions in the sphere of manufacturing, sales of drug products, and other products, which are prohibited by international law.
14. Place doubtful job offers in the section Jobs, including in the Internet without a physical address and direct contact of the employer (work for all, processing of e-mail letters at home, work without investments and the like).
16.2 Rights and duties of the Site Administration
1. In case of doubt about the legality of the use by companies or individuals of the section Jobs, the Administration may at any time and without prior notice at its sole discretion carry out the deletion, blocking or forced changes in the accounting information.
2. In case of complaints from candidates about the discovery of their personal data (CV) on the site / sites of the third parties, or in case of the proposal from them about the placement of their personal data (CV) on the site / sites of third parties, provided that they have placed their resumes Only on and didn't give any consent to publication of their CVs on other websites, the Site Administration has the right at any time and without prior notice at its sole discretion to block the use of section Jobs by a company or individual with respect to whom there is a complaint.
3. In case the Site Administration receives complaints from owners of CVs that their personal information was not used for the purpose of review or assessment of their candidates for employment in the User's organization or company, which is the User's client, if the latter carries out mediation activities in the field of employment, as well as that information about phones, postal address, e-mail address of the applicant was used for a purpose other than the site topic (question of selection of candidates, job offers and candidates, recruitment, etc.), the Site administration has the right in its sole discretion at any time and without notice of the company or individual, in respect of which there is a complaint, to implement a blocking of the possibility to use the section Jobs, section Companies, or an account on the site in general.
4. In case if the fact was discovered showing the unreliability of information in the posted job offer, for example, about the salary or the working conditions, the Administration has the right to block the use of the section Jobs, section Companies, or an account of the User on the site, who posted a false position.
5. The invitation to an interview should not include: advertising, an explicit proposal to use other sites on the Internet for job search and employment, interviewing, or other actions related to employment.
6. In case of violation of the rules above in the section Jobs, the Administration has the right to block the use of the section Jobs, section Companies, or an account of the User on the site, who posted a false position.
7. The Administration and the Site owner are not responsible for the incorrect data about the companies and private persons and their job offers in the section Jobs.
16.3 Usage fules of the section Jobs by the Users (for creation of CVs or job search)
A User can create only one CV, which is active by default for a period of half a year (choice of 1 month, 2 months, 3 months). User can also modify one's CV, delete it and activate it after the expiration date.
When using the section Jobs to create a CV or for job search, the User is obliged not to carry out the following actions:
1. Post, distribute, store, load and / or destroy the materials (information) in any way in this section, in violation of international law.
2. Place and / or transfer, in the section Jobs information in the form of a text, images, sound or code that may be illegal, advertising, threatening, abusive, libelous, knowingly false, rude, obscene, harm to other visitors of the site, break their rights and legitimate interests.
3. Use a false name or act on behalf of others. Mislead users and the Site administration with respect to one's identity in any other way.
4. Post the information in the CV, which is not true.
5. Print out or otherwise copy and use the personal information of other Users, who posted their CV, ecccept one's own CV.
6. Use the information concerning the phones, postal addresses, e-mails and personal information, which is placed in the CVs of other applicants for a purpose other than the site topic (questions of job offers and candidates, recruitment, selection of candidates, etc. .);
7. Place in a CV telephone number (s), which the applicant doesx not have the right to use, or if the number belongs to legal entities.
8. Place information and CVs, which shape is not consistent with international law.
16.4 Rights and duties of the Site Administration
1. The Site Administration has the right to remove materials that were published by the User in the section Jobs, in particular CVs, if they do not comply with the terms of this Agreement, are harmful to the site or third parties.
2. In case of failure to comply with the rules and complaints from Users, the offending account will be blocked to access on the section Jobs, or on the website for an unlimited period of time.
3. The User has the right to complain about the actions of other Users if they violate one of the above rules.
4. The Administration reserves the right to reject a complaint, if the claim is expressed without a reasonable basis, or in the text of the complaint lacks the necessary information to assess the situation. The Administration reserves the right to reject a complaint, if it contains obscene language and insults. The Administration reserves the right not to comply with the complaint in case of their disagreement with the opinion of the User.
5. The Administration reserves the right to delete comments and messages, as well as block a CV or accounts without any prior notice.
6. The Administration is not involved in the consideration and resolution of disputes and conflicts, that arise between Users in the section Jobs, however, it reserves the right to implement a blocking of a User page, in case of justified complaints from other Users for misconduct of the User in this section.
7. The Administration and the Site owner are not responsible for the incorrect data in the Users' CVs in the section Jobs.
17. The usage rules of the section Purchase and Sale
17. 1. General provisions
Our site does not charge any percent from sales of goods that are placed in the section Purchase and Sale.
When entering the section Purchase and Sale - a private individual or a company buys for Universal Currency of the Site - parmoney an opportunity to sell goods (specific number of active goods). Tariff plans of sellers:
Start – 1 parmoney / 5 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Standard – 3 parmoney / 15 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business – 10 parmoney / 100 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 1 – 30 parmoney / 300 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 2 – 60 parmoney / 600 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 3 – 100 parmoney / 1000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 4 – 1000 parmoney / 100000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 5 – 5000 parmoney / 500000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 6 – 10000 parmoney / 1 000 000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 7 – 20000 parmoney / 2 000 000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 8 - 50 000 parmoney / - 5 000 000 adds (Business 5 – 5000 parmoney / 500000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 9 – 100 000 parmoney / - 10 000 000 adds (Business 5 – 5000 parmoney / 500000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
1. The main parameter when adding a product to the section Purchase and Sale is a fact of age of the User. (18+).
2. When adding the advertisement and choosing a type of business activity: private person; sole trader, firm, company; intermediary; A User is fully responsible for the correctly given information. In case of giving the information, which is incorrect, about a type of business activity or incoming complaints from customers, the User’s page will be blocked for an indefinite period of time.
3. A User guarantees that the goods, which the one offers for sale, comply with the quality standards established by international law and the laws of the countries in which they are implemented, and are free from claims of third parties.
4. A User who places ads about the sale of goods in the section Purchase and Sale agrees to place the information about them in accordance with this Agreement and the instructions that are also presented on the site, and provide detailed information about the product, its price and terms of sale. By placing information about the product, the User agrees that the one has the right to sell this product in accordance with the laws of the countries in which they are implemented.
5. The sale of any fakes of famous brands of the world is prohibited and punishable under international law. If such ads of fakes will be found, the access of the seller to the section Purchase and Sale, or to an account on the site will be blocked.
6. The Administration has the right to move, end or extend the period of the demonstration of the User's items out of technical reasons, which are under the control or outside the control of the Administration. The site has the right to terminate the demonstration of ads, if a User has registered the goods in violation of the terms of this Agreement or applicable law.
7. A User must carefully check all the information about the goods, which he/she placed on the site and, in case of false information, to supplement the description of the goods with necessary information. If this is not possible, the one should correct the wrong information by canceling and re-posting the information about the product.
8. The terms of the sale of goods, created by the User, must not conflict with this Agreement and applicable laws of the countries in which they are implemented.
9. Import of goods into the territory
Users from other countries, that trade through the section Purchase and Sale on the site and are engaged in import or export of goods, shall be responsible for ensuring that such sales do not violate the laws of these countries.
10. It is not allowed to specify the untruthful description of the item of offer in the advertisement. Including an indication of the price that does not correspond to the actual selling price of the goods. The price must be stated in full for all goods. The Title of the ads placed must comply with the text of the ad and should not contain the contact or personal information about the User (phone, e-mail address of an Internet resource).
11. A photograph, which is intended to demonstrate the product, which is offered for sale by the User, must comply with headlines and the text of the ads. The photo should depict only the proposed product. Stock photos and / or photos downloaded from the Internet are prohibited.
12. Google maps are used in the Section «Purchase and Sale» According to the license ( and the layer of maps Openstreet – according to the license ( for geolocation.
17.2 Required fields for filling when adding the goods for sale:
1. Who is the ad given from: individual, company
2. Country
3. City
4. Validity of the ad
5. Wholesale, retail
6. Product condition
7. Price
17.3 The User is prohibited to:
1. Post the ad in the category, which does not correspond to its content;
2. To give an incorrect information about a type of business activity.
3. Post the ad, the title of which contain repeated punctuation and / or analphabetic characters;
4. Post the same ad in the section Purchase and Sale from the same account on the site.
5. Publish ads, which are similar on the content, where it is obvious that they are about one and the same offer;
6. Publish ads, descriptions and / or titles / photos which are incoherent, unreadable;
7. Duplicate the same messages from different accounts on the site;
8. Insert to the ad links to resources that contain harmful elements or a reference to the main page of the site;
9. Post ads offering several products at the same time;
10. The advertisements must comply with the geographical area and the city, which have previously been selected in the corresponding functional site settings.
11. Place an advertisement for a product, if such posting could lead to a breach of international law;
12. It is permitted to place one ad on a particular subject, object, property, job, service.
13. The ads can take a spot check or be moderated by representatives of the site.
14. It is forbidden to raise the performance rating by illegal ways, and to force or motivate with the help of money the Internet Users to write positive feedback or negative feedback for competitors.
17.4 List of forbidden goods for posting in the section Purchase and Sale.
1. Special technical means for removal of information from communication channels; items related to the activities of law enforcement agencies (electronic and special equipment).
2. Medical equipment. Sale of professional equipment which is used for medical purposes and requires special permits, licenses, permitted only in compliance with all regulations and legal requirements.
3. Drugs, psychotropic substances and their substitutes, as well as plants and ingredients used for its preparation. Hallucinogenic plants and mushrooms and products derived from them. Herein is prohibited to indicate in the description of medications, medical substances, herbs, etc. the unusual methods of application, including to achieve the effect of drugs, etc.
4. Any weapons, including antique and ammunition. Gas guns, alarms, stun effects. Special devices, which contain products of teargas and irritating action and which relate to special means of active defense, which are used by law-enforcement agencies.
5. Smoke grenades, pyrotechnics.
6. Military vehicles equipped with weapons.
7. Human organs, bones, skulls - intended for disposal or transplantation, as well as donor material (blood, sperm).
8. Breast milk.
9. Any poisons, toxic substances.
10. Infectious substances.
11. Radioactive materials.
12. Food. It is permitted to sell foods, subject to all the requirements of the law in this area and restrictions associated with the import - export of products.
13. Food and other products and goods that have expired.
14. All types of products that are offered for sale and sold in the section, which contain plastic, shall be marked - International universal code of plastics processing, or a certificate, verifying that the norms of contained chemicals are not exceeded.
15. Animals and plants that are listed in the International Red Book. Skins of animals and products made of skins of animals, organs, horns, legs and stuffed animals of rare and endangered species.
16. Pirated optical media with illegal copies of movies, music, games, and child pornography.
17. Materials for adults, on printed, video and audio-visual and other carriers of information which may be classified as pornography. The sale of "products for adults" is allowed (condoms and mechanical and electrical items of intimate use, dolls, etc.), or works of art (for example, drawings of nude models).
18. Contraband goods and stolen property.
19. Vehicles that are wanted; without documents.
20. License Plates
21. Digital cash, tools, software, devices and components for generation of income or virtual currencies.
22. Foreign currency and / or other foreign exchange values (except for the sale and purchase for numismatic purposes).
23. Fake banknotes and fake signs of postage.
24. Shares and other securities.
25. State awards, except of the countries where their sale is permitted.
26. The current (including expired), or valid government identification cards and documents of any existing countries (passports, identification cards, driving licenses, student cards, student's record books, diplomas, tickets, passes, permits, certificates, licenses and the like), as well as forms of these documents.
27. Official forms, forms of strict accountability.
28. Products related to police activities - badges, identification badges, uniforms and everything else that is associated with the activities of the police are forbidden to sell on our Site.
29. Spammer databases, products and services that can contribute to spam.
30. Finished diploma works, course works, and master’s works.
31. The databases containing personal data, email addresses.
32. Objects and materials, the sale of which violates copyrights and / or related rights of third parties, rights for trademarks or patents.
33. Materials containing state, banking or commercial secrets of different countries.
34. Content that violates privacy, infringe on the honor, dignity and business reputation of citizens and legal entities.
35. Postage meters, which are used for application to the e-mail correspondence of stamp for payment, are also prohibited for sale.
36. Universal keys (for front doors, for different locks).
37. Alcoholic beverages; tobacco products; moonshine stills; Products containing ethyl alcohol, except of the countries where their sale is permitted.
38. Real Estate. Approved for sale, subject to all legal provisions (sale of the property, which has co-owners with the absence of their permission is prohibited).
39. Items depicting Nazi symbols, and other symbols that in some way promote violence, ethnic animosity and child pornography.
40. Goods that are exposed in order to collect funds and donations.
41. Donations and charity (Charity or fundraising listings)
42. Goods, withdrawn from the sale (Recalled items). The product, which was withdrawn from sale by the manufacturer and determined by the Commission on the Consumer Product Safety (CPSC), as "dangerous", is banned for sale.
43. Goods with erased serial numbers.
44. Slots (Slot machines). Any slots that include gambling for money are prohibited for sale. Their implementation is strictly limited and only allowed in the countries where there is no ban on these products.
45. Offers, products / items associated with occult themes (omens, charms, fortune telling, Satanism, rituals, witchcraft, witches, magic, psychics, etc.), as well as literature on the subject.
46. Used cosmetics and perfumery.
47. Materials that can be used as an aspersion on a person or group of people. Calls for strikes, protests, proposals to participate in any auctions, raffles and the like.
48. Activators of software, CD keys, serial numbers, offers without the original software.
49. Poaching tools and equipment.
50. The electric rods and nets, as well as services for their production. Except of the countries where their sale is permitted.
51. Uniforms and parts thereof of civil servants and employees of transport companies (postal workers, employees of airlines, subway, etc.).
52. Information about the diverse personal things and objects in one ad. Incorrect: "I'll sell a dress and shoes", "Buy a TV and a refrigerator," "sell everything on the photo," and the like. It is allowed to post information about one subject in one separate ad or more objects in one separate ad, when they are sold for a total price for a set.
53. Messengers' accounts (ICQ, Skype and etc.), e-mails, social networking accounts.
54. Any new ads about dating, friendship, relationships and other.
55. Training programs for earnings in the Internet.
56. Lottery tickets. Tickets of various lotteries and raffles are prohibited for sale
There are also such advertisements prohibited for posting, which do not have any meaning or contain the following:
1. Photos of erotic or pornographic content, photos of minors.
2. Promoting and / or incitement to violence, racial hatred, illegal actions.
3. All items, which do not comply with the principles of public order and morality.
4. Discrimination based on nationality, race, religion, gender and other characteristics.
5. Profanity and offensive language, including racist and religious context.
6. Information, printed with translit.
7. Description and / or comments regarding any of the methods of fraud and / or extortion.
8. Multiple spelling mistakes that distort the meaning and confuse the Users.
17.5 The Administration and Moderators of the section (representatives of have a right to:
1. Submit any corrections in the text of the ad of the User, which may relate to spelling and punctuation, and which, however, do not affect the general sense of the content of the ad;
2. Move ads to the other rubrics of the Site in case of a more appropriate place for them;
3. Refuse to publish ads if they do not comply with the topics of the categories selected or violate this Agreement, as well as limit the number of User's ads when creating two or more identical ads without explanation.
4. In order to make the interaction between the Users easier, the Administration has the right to enable the limited access to the contact information of other Users. The right to use the information provided by other Users, is limited by this Agreement.
5. The Administration and the Site owner is not responsible for the content of advertisements, reliability of the information specified in it or links to the resources that are listed in the description of the User's adverts.
6. The Administration and Site owner is not responsible for the sale of products by Users that are prohibited in their countries or in the countries of the buyer.
7. The subject of the ad can be products, the implementation of which is not prohibited or restricted in accordance with the laws of the country in which they are implemented, and are not contrary to this Agreement.
8. The Administration reserves the right to remove the ad at the request of the right holder or the competent state bodies.
9. The Administration also reserves the right to remove any ads that are believed not to meet the principles and foundations of public morality. The decision on removal is final and not subject to appeal.
10. The Administration and the Site owner of are not responsible for buyers and sellers who participate in the section Purchase and Sale.
In case of purchase of the tariff plan by the seller and failure to sell the goods, the Administration and the Owner of the web-site do not return the funds, spent on the purchase of such tariff plan, to the seller.
18. The usage rules of the section Help
In the section Help Users can create requests of different types in order to contact the support team of the website:
1. Question
2. Error
3. Task
Furthermore, any User a right to find requests of other Users and comment them, thereby finding useful information concerning the usage of the website
When creating requests to the support team, it is forbidden to:
1. Create requests, which are not connected to the operation of the website or the administration of the website
2. Create requests with the meaningless content
3. Create requests, which contain any insults, slander, vulgar slang, materials of pornographic or another amoral character; materials that demonstrate or propagandize cruelty, violence, terror, national hostility; materials that offend human dignity; advertizing materials, and also other materials that go beyond the law and beyond the provisions of this user’s agreement.
In case of failure to comply with these rules, the Website Administration has the right to remove a User's request to the support team, to block User's access to this section or access to the website
19.The additional chargeable site functions
Parmoney - it is a universal standard unit for the purchase of chargeable functions on the site, such as the payment of advertising, buying gifts, raising the rating and other chargeable functions of our website.
You can buy this standard unit Parmoney by credit card or the payment system PayPal.
Your money will not go directly to pay any of the chargeable functions, but will be added to your account. In the future, you will be able to use chargeable functions or to order any paid services from all sections of the site with one click - payment for them will be debited from the personal account of your User account.
Please note that the right to use the Parmoney is provided according to the User's Agreement. Refund is not possible.
An indispensable condition for acquiring rights (payment) to use the chargeable functions of the site is that the User is of the full legal age (18 years).
In addition, you have the ability to monitor your top-ups and expenditures in the table - Account history
In case if a person (user) who has been registered on the site, dies because of natural reasons, or is tragically killed, and a virtual currency Parmoney has remained at his/her account, this currency is not sent to relatives, friends and others, and remains on the balance of this User's Account.
Conversion table of Euros to Par money
Euro |
Par money (Pm) |
1 Euro |
1 Pm |
3 Euro |
3 Pm |
5 Euro |
5 Pm |
10 Euro |
10 Pm |
20 Euro |
20 Pm |
30 Euro |
30 Pm |
40 Euro |
40 Pm |
50 Euro |
50 Pm |
60 Euro |
60 Pm |
70 Euro |
70 Pm |
80 Euro |
80 Pm |
90 Euro |
90 Pm |
100 Euro |
100 Pm |
200 Euro |
200 Pm |
300 Euro |
300 Pm |
400 Euro |
400 Pm |
500 Euro |
500 Pm |
600 Euro |
600 Pm |
700 Euro |
700 Pm |
800 Euro |
800 Pm |
900 Euro |
900 Pm |
1000 Euro |
1000 Pm |
1100 Euro |
1100 Pm |
1200 Euro |
1200 Pm |
1300 Euro |
1300 Pm |
1400 Euro |
1400 Pm |
1500 Euro |
1500 Pm |
1600 Euro |
1600 Pm |
1700 Euro |
1700 Pm |
1800 Euro |
1800 Pm |
1900 Euro |
1900 Pm |
2000 Euro |
2000 Pm |
2100 Euro |
2100 Pm |
2200 Euro |
2200 Pm |
2300 Euro |
2300 Pm |
2400 Euro |
2400 Pm |
2500 Euro |
2500 Pm |
2600 Euro |
2600 Pm |
2700 Euro |
2700 Pm |
2800 Euro |
2800 Pm |
2900 Euro |
2900 Pm |
3000 Euro |
3000 Pm |
3100 Euro |
3100 Pm |
3200 Euro |
3200 Pm |
3300 Euro |
3300 Pm |
3400 Euro |
3400 Pm |
3500 Euro |
3500 Pm |
3600 Euro |
3600 Pm |
3700 Euro |
3700 Pm |
3800 Euro |
3800 Pm |
3900 Euro |
3900 Pm |
4000 Euro |
4000 Pm |
4100 Euro |
4100 Pm |
4200 Euro |
4200 Pm |
4300 Euro |
4300 Pm |
4400 Euro |
4400 Pm |
4500 Euro |
4500 Pm |
4600 Euro |
4600 Pm |
4700 Euro |
4700 Pm |
4800 Euro |
4800 Pm |
4900 Euro |
4900 Pm |
5000 Euro |
5000 Pm |
Usage rules and Administration’s rights.
1. When a User registers on our website, the programm automatically create a personal customer account, which is tied directly to the User's account. A User can use his personal account to pay for all chargeable functions and services on the site.
2. Services provided by, include the possibility of buying a universal virtual currency ("Par money"), using the legal means of payment.
3. Payment for the right to use additional chargeable site functionality is performed by the User using the funds in the currency of the respective territory of residence, to the conversion into euros in the value defined by the User of the amount of universal standard units ("Par money") of the additional chargeable functionality of the site.
4. When buying or receiving virtual currency you do not acquire personal rights for the acquired monetary units ("Par money"), you only get the right to use the unit as means of payment for certain chargeable functions and services of
5. The funds spent on the purchase of units are non-refundable. Units can not be exchanged back into a sum of money.
6. Your absence on the site, or loss of access to the account are not satisfactory reasons for the refund of the money units and the extension of services or free services.
7. When removing and restoring the account by the User, all the virtual currency (Par money), and chargeable functions and services provided for it are at your disposal.
8. If the account will be blocked for violation of the Usage Rules of the site by the Administration of, we can not refund you for the acquisition of units and services.
9. Paid services and units can not be transferred to another account.
10. A User is responsible for all activities that are carried out on the site using his account, as well as within it, including the purchase of chargeable services. So do not give out your password to outsiders and set a password that is difficult to guess or hack.
11. A User is obliged to monitor the status of his personal account.
12. A User agrees not to use computers or other devices that are not owned by the User for access to the personal account. Using these means, such User is responsible for an unauthorized access to his personal account.
13. A User is obliged to use for access to the personal account only a computer with installed current versions of the software, which ensures anti-virus protection (security) of such computer.
14. has full control over the entire virtual currency and virtual services and at any time has the right to change the price of units or services and the ways of its usage on the site in its sole discretion, notifying the users of the website about it in the section News of the site.
15. The methods and terms of payment for the right to use additional chargeable website functionality through the payment systems are published by the Administration on the Site:
16. In case, if because of any technical error, or site failure, hacking attack of the site or misconduct of Users (e.g., hacking personal account with the help of various programs), resulting into the deposit of Par money onto one's account without the topping up of the account according to the established order of the present Agreement, the User is obliged to inform the Administration about it or eliminate all the consequences of misuse of additional chargeable functionality of the site. The Administration has the right to correct such consequences by its own means and without notifying the User about it or to block the User's account for misconduct.
17. A User guarantees to the Administration that he/she has the right to use the chosen means of payment for the right to use additional chargeable functions of the site without violating the international law and / or law of a country whose citizen a User is, and the rights of third parties.
18. A User is obliged to keep the documents confirming the payment of one's rights to use additional chargeable functions of the site at all times during the use of the site, and at the request of the Administration to provide it with such documents as well as information on the circumstances of the commission of such payment.
19. The Administration and the Site Owner is not responsible for any illegal actions of the User when making a payment (e.g., payment by a stolen credit card, etc.) for the right to use additional chargeable functionality of the site. The Administration reserves the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate User's access to additional chargeable functionality of the site, if there is a suspicion of committing illegal actions by the User up to clarification of the circumstances.
20. The Administration and Site Owner is not responsible for any damage to third parties and / or other Users caused by the User, who does not use its own means of payment.
21. The Administration and the Site Owner is not responsible for replenishment of a personal account on the site and the use of chargeable functions of the site, if the user does not have 18 years.
22. The Administration has the right to take measures to freeze (block) the money or other property of the User in case the user is included into the list of organizations and individuals against whom there is information about their involvement in extremist activities or terrorism, fraud; persons who are wanted by Interpol, and others.
23. In the event that the Administration has reason to believe that the User commits illegal actions or fraud related to the payment of rights to use the additional chargeable functions of the site, the Administration has the right to convey relevant information to law enforcement authorities for inspection on this fact.
24. In cases of hacking the site, hacker attacks or other interventions, which resulted in cancelling, usung your standard units (Par money), the Owner of the site is not responsible for this incident.
25. The special aspects of the payment by the User for the right to use additional chargeable functions of the site with the help of credit cards:
• Operations are performed with bank cards by the cardholder or authorized person.
• Authorization of operations with bank cards is performed by the Bank. If the bank has any reason to believe that the operation is fraudulent, the bank has the right to refuse the implementation of this operation. Fraud with bank cards is a criminal offense.
• In order to avoid fraud in the payment by bank cards, such bank card payments, which are carried out, can be checked by the Administration. The user-owner of the card, applied for such payment, shall, upon the request from the Administration, provide a copy of the necessary documents to confirm the fair use of a credit card. If the requested documents were not provided by the User within 14 days from the date of payment or there is a doubt about their authenticity, the Administration shall be entitled to block the account or suspend the User's rights to use the site and additional chargeable functions of the site in order to ascertain the circumstances.
Any complaints, issues related to the chargeable functions of the site are accepted in a separate section - Feedback about chargeable functions, which are available at the address . When filing such complaints, issues related to the chargeable functions of the site, not in the correct category, such reference will not be considered.
List of additional chargeable functions and services of by sections.
Personal Page.
1. Placing the flag of your country on the page
2. Placing your zodiac sign on the page
3. Gifts to other Users
4. Raising of the ratings of personal pages
1. Placing in the list of general dating search
2. Raising to the 1st place in the list of search of Users (Raise to the top)
Dead people and animals:
1. Placing of the flag of the country on the page
2. Placing your zodiac sign on the page
3. Commemoration (e.g., flowers, wreaths, etc.)
Missing people and animals:
1. Placing of the flag of the country on the page
1. Placing your zodiac sign on the page
1. Place rent in the section Companies for a year.
2. Advertising in the feed on the page of general company search and search by individual countries.
3. Raising of the company to the top in the general search and the search by individual countries
4. Branding of the Company (change of the background of the page)
1. Place rent for the placement vacancies in the section for a year.
2. Advertising in the feed on the page of general search of vacancies and search by individual countries..
3. Raising of the vacancy by the company or an individual to the top in the general search and search by individual countries
4. Advertising CV in the feed on the page of general search of CV and search by individual countries..
5. Raising of the CV to the top in the general search and search by individual countries
Purchase and Sale
1. When entering the section Purchase and Sale - a private individual or a company buys for Universal Currency of the Site - parmoney an opportunity to sell goods (specific number of active goods). Tariff plans of sellers.
Start – 1 parmoney / 5 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Standard – 3 parmoney / 15 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business – 10 parmoney / 100 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 1 – 30 parmoney / 300 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 2 – 60 parmoney / 600 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 3 – 100 parmoney / 1000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 4 – 1000 parmoney / 100000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 5 – 5000 parmoney / 500000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 6 – 10000 parmoney / 1 000 000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 7 – 20000 parmoney / 2 000 000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 8 - 50 000 parmoney / - 5 000 000 adds (Business 5 – 5000 parmoney / 500000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
Business 9 – 100 000 parmoney / - 10 000 000 adds (Business 5 – 5000 parmoney / 500000 adds (The number of active adds about the goods sale)
2. Advertising in the common search of goods in the section and in selected countries
3. When you publish or edit your ad, there is a function possible - Discount. If the seller wants to change the price of a product or service, the one should have the old price crossed out and put up a new discount price.
5. Raising of the ad to the top in the general search in the section and by selected countries
6. Setting of functions - premium advertisement.
8. Blogs
1. Attaching the ad on the home page of the web-site
20. The security policy.
1. We take all reasonable precautions to protect the confidentiality of data. All data collected by us is stored in secure places, and no unauthorized persons have access to it. Only those employees who need to perform the job functions that require access to your personal information, have such access to information of the User. All employees who have access to information about users sign a non-disclosure agreement about Users to third parties.
2. Depending on what services you use, we receive different types of information about you, such as: name, surname, patronymic, contact numbers, home address.
3. We do not share information with third parties, except in those cases where we may disclose users' personal information to third parties who provide services to us, such as processing payments. Third parties may use information about the users only if they provide services to us, and only such information which is necessary for the provision of these services.
4. In accordance with the requirements of international law and the Owner of, the Administration has the right to disclose some part of the User's data to third parties for purposes that are connected by their legal rights and powers, including governmental bodies and agencies, subject to the established procedure for the provision of such data.
5. When the User uses the site, the technology called cookies can be used (saving username and password in the browser) to automatically log users on the site, and to gather statistical data, in particular about the site traffic.
6. The User has the right to restrict or prohibit the use of technology cookies (save the username and password in your web browser), by using the appropriate browser settings.
7. The Administration has the right to change the terms of this security policy. The Users will be informed about any changes in the section News of the site. Please, review the News of the site, to be informed.
8. In cases of hacking of the site, hacker attacks or other interventions, resulting in stolen personal data of Users, the Site Owner of does not bear any responsibility for it.
21. User’s tax liabilities
The Administration and the Site Owner of are not responsible for any actions of all Users, resulting in the obtaining of profit (income) with the help of the site, its sections and its functionality.
For all tax liabilities for the payment of the income tax, state and social insurance contributions or any similar payments, as well as any other taxes when receiving benefits (profits) using the site, its sections and its functionality, pays the User, as well as bears responsibility for it, under the law of the country, in which the User resides and is registered, as well as at the place of registration of the tax number of the User.
22. Final provisions.
1. These Rules shall enter into force for the User since its accession to the site and operate for an indefinite period.
2. On matters related to the execution of the Agreement, please contact customer support.
3. All disputes of the parties under this Agreement shall be settled by the means of correspondence and negotiations by using a mandatory pre-trial (complaint) procedure. In case of failure to reach the agreement between the parties through negotiations within ninety (90) calendar days of receipt of a written complaint by the other Party, the dispute shall be submitted by any interested party in a court of general jurisdiction at the location of the Site owner. Under any circumstances, the responsibility of the Site owner of to the User is limited to the sum of 50 (fifty euros), in which case the loss of profit is not refundable.
4. The Site owner has the right to change the Agreement, subject to the mandatory notification of Users in the section News of the site. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its placement in the Internet under the Internet address, specified in this paragraph of the Agreement -
5. In the event of a technical failure or other error of the site, which may be associated with chargeable functions of the site, we commit ourselves to compensate for the lost amount of standard units (Par money) to the personal account of the User's page of
6. The Owner of the site does not guarantee the safety and security of
7. The Owner of the site takes commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the site works around the clock, but does not guarantee the absence of interruptions that may be caused by technical defects, performing of preventive maintenance and other. The Site owner can not guarantee that the website or any of its elements will be operating at any given time in the future, or that they will not stop working.
8. If, for whatever reason, one or more provisions of these Rules will be declared invalid or without any legal force, this decision does not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.
9. If, by changing of Rules of the User's agreement, the user has not gotten acquainted with these changes in the section News of the site, the Site owner of assumes no liability for this.
All rights reserved. Copying ideas towards the site is prohibited and punishable under international law.
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